Do you have references for the equivalency of CIE inverse instrument geometries?

FAQ: “…. the schema of the principle of measuring shows other way of light (source of light -> sample -> sphere -> detector) than our ColorQuest (source of light -> sphere -> sample ->  detector). Please can you explain me difference between both construction? difference between both results of measuring?”

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Can you explain the LabScan XE 0:45 inverted geometry?

FAQ: “Straight from the LSXE Pro-forma, the LabScan XE sample ports are described as:

Port Insert, 3-mm illuminated area; 5-mm measured area
Port Insert, 6-mm illuminated area; 10-mm measured area
Port Insert, 13-mm illuminated area; 17-mm measured area
Port Insert, 25-mm illuminated area; 30-mm measured area
Port Insert, 44-mm illuminated area; 50-mm measured area

I always thought that the measured area was smaller than the illuminated area. Have the illuminated/measured area in the Pro-forma been transposed? Seems like it!”

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